Saturday, September 27, 2014

my board of directors

One of the best pieces of advice I heard from one of my college professors and mentors was the importance of building a “personal Board of Directors” to help guide you through all the challenges and major decisions that life throws at you. Needless to say, I appointed him as the Chairman of my Board. But, in thinking through how to fill the empty seats at the table with members of my network, I've tried to find a balance of these types of individuals:
  1. The Challenger. This is the person who keeps it real. They question your thoughts, ideas, and decisions. They serve as the devil’s advocate and always push you to do more and to be bolder. The Challengers help you to constantly think about the big picture, and always ask, “So what’s next?”
  2. The Comforter. This is the person who you look to to help guide you during those times when you are down – perhaps when you didn't get your dream job, are experiencing some family problems, or simply feel unhappy or unfulfilled. The Comforters are your go-to when things just aren't working out the way you envisioned.
  3. The Connector. This is the final type of member, and they’re the person who has deep connections with the individuals who will help you advance in your career. They’re aligned to the industry you’re in or want to be in, and they facilitate your conversations and relationships with folks in those areas to help you progress toward your career goals.
As you build out your personal Board of Directors look to your network to find the members who will be there for you – to challenge, comfort, and connect you.

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